Healthy Way-t Programme

This is a ten-week group programme (individual sessions available if preferred) which is a new and unique approach to weight management. Instead of focussing on calorie restriction, we work on improving diet quality, incorporating healthy fats to restore hormone balance and improve metabolism, as well working on your gut health which is directly linked with weight issues, as are levels of inflammation in the body which also need to be resolved. In addition to the physical aspects here, we also address the psycho-emotional and cognitive patterns associated with weight problems. A simple exercise programme and mindfulness techniques are also incorporated, teaching you all the skills you need to enjoy a healthy weight, healthy body and healthy mind for the rest of your life.

10-week programme (sessions last 2h): London *£500

*Price reduced to £355 and £299 respectively for both individuals if you bring a friend/relative or refer someone who books a place.

Private Initial Consultation (1.5h): £275

Follow-up Consultation (1h): £200