Pain Relief and Wellbeing

Physiokey Therapy – A Breakthrough in Pain Relief

Have you tried other treatments without relief and has pain medication failed?

Are you suffering from acute or chronic pain?

Don’t give up, because there is a new, effective, drug free treatment available called Physiokey Therapy.

Physiokey Therapy effectively and rapidly treats acute and chronic pain, increases the range of movement and promotes faster healing.

Pain is necessary! When you have an acute injury, pain alerts the body and brain to where the injury is, so the brain can produce its pain-killing endorphins. It also signals the body to heal at the site of the pain. The Physiokey device boosts this process even more by emitting an electro-magnetic signal, which is almost identical to the human nerve signal. This signal travels along certain types of nerve fibres, which triggers the release of powerful pain-relieving substances into the bloodstream called endorphins. It also stimulates the production of chemicals called neuropeptides, which rapidly advances healing.

On the other hand, there are situations where pain often persists long after a reasonable healing period has elapsed, especially if the damage was severe or extensive. Extended use of painkillers can affect healing, because they take away the signal the brain needs to repair the injury. After a while the brain, nervous system, endocrine and immune system cannot work on the injury any longer but the pain is still there, this is called chronic pain. Physiokey helps redirect the body’s energy back to the injury so that the body can begin to repair itself.

Debra Graham discovered Scenar Therapy in 2003 when an injury to her hand prevented her from continuing her work as a Reflexologist and Massage Therapist. After months of pain and desperately searching for a treatment to help herself, she enrolled on a Scenar training course and after just three, ten minute sessions, all her pain had gone and to this day, has never returned. 

In 2015 Debra began working with the German Physiokey device and has since helped thousands of patients overcome chronic and acute pain, including sports injuries. She is also a qualified teacher for both Scenar and Physiokey Therapy.

Be Free from Pain and Activate the Body’s Healing Mechanism.

Benefits of Physiokey

Physiokey Therapy is proven to be effective in the treatment of ALL types of pain including:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Knee Pain
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Back Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neck & Shoulder Pain
  • Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

Additional benefits of Physiokey Therapy include:

  • Long lasting pain relief with no side effects
  • Improved sleep and reduction of stress
  • Rapid recovery after surgical procedures
  • Reduction in the likelihood of symptoms returning
  • Working in harmony with other types of complementary treatments
  • Being an effective pain management alternative to pain medication

Anyone who is experiencing pain whether chronic or acute may benefit from Physiokey Therapy. It can also be used in conjunction with other therapies and conventional medicine.

Many of our clients have told us that as a result of Physiokey Therapy other chronic conditions have improved, for example; depression, anxiety, allergies, fatigue, hormonal disorders, and digestive disorders.

Why is Physiokey different?

The difference between Physiokey and some other therapies, which may require you to have indefinite on-going treatments, is that Physiokey takes the body through the healing cycle to completion. 

This means that once your treatment is finished, it is unlikely that you will need further treatment for the same problem.

The Consultation and Treatment Process

Before your first session you will be asked to complete a full medical history. It is important that you complete this as fully and honestly as possible, taking particular care to detail any medication you may be taking. This information is essential for me to formulate an accurate treatment plan.

You will be asked to remove clothing appropriate to where your injury is and towelling robes are provided for your modesty and comfort.

When the Physiokey is applied to your skin, you will feel a gentle pins and needles sensation, and you will be asked what energy level is comfortable for you. 

Your treatment will be devised according to the information you have provided us with and may consist of localised, general or a combination of both treatments.

Most acute problems only require 3 to 5 sessions. Chronic conditions usually require between 5 to 8 sessions.

Are there any side effects?

During treatment it is normal to experience some, all or none of the following reactions:

  • Light headedness
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Skin reactions (e.g. redness, itching, sensitivity)
  • Feeling cold
  • Pain moving or shifting

After treatment and during your prescribed course of treatments you may still experience some of the above reactions and may also experience the following:

  • Flu like symptoms
  • Area of pain becoming more localised as the body heals
  • Improved mood and sense of well-being
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved sleeping patterns, although sleep may be disrupted for the first few days as the brain sorts out its internal “filing system”
  • Increased range of movement

What to expect after finishing your course of treatments

Physiokey continues to work even after you have completed your course of treatments, so don’t be concerned if you are discharged before you are completely better.

Most people continue to improve for approximately three months after treatment and some continue to improve for up to five months.

It is also common to experience flare ups of old symptoms and pain during this period as the body continues to heal and this is completely normal. 

Appointment Fees

Consultation & 1 Session

(75 minutes)

A review on your supplied Medical History

Physiokey Treatment

1 Session

(1 hour)
This is for treatments following the initial Consultation.

Physiokey Treatment

Book an Appointment with Debra Graham

Become pain free and aid your healing journey today!

Debra’s Practice is based in Chigwell, Essex / London.

Please fill-in this form and we will get back to you to arrange an Appointment or a Discovery Call to find out how Physiokey can help you.


    Joanne Snow

    I would like to share my experience of Physiokey…but before I do let me just say, no one is more sceptical than me, but after reading other testimonials, I decided the only way to know was to find out for myself.

    I was initially extremely wary, especially having suffered with Fibromyalgia for over 10 years. After extensively trying most, if not all other possibilities, I had more or less resigned myself to the pain and restriction… yet from the first moment of contact, Debra made me feel as if my issue was of importance, that she cared and that there was hope for improvement.

    Debra’s humble, unpresuming demeanour belies a very proficient, professional and learned competence. For the first time in a long time I felt supported and understood. I had 6 sessions and each time I felt completely safe, relaxed & taken care of.

    After our 1st session the Fibromyalgia pain in my neck and shoulder area was greatly diminished.

    The migraines that plagued me, have totally ceased.

    Now after the 6th session, the pain I thought I would have to learn to live with, has gone. I finally have some relief. On the whole I feel more energised, positive and much, much more able to do things and enjoy them.

    I shall continue for top ups if or when I feel the need. I do not hesitate to recommend Debra and the Physiokey treatment.

    Elaine Gandz

    Ladies and Gentlemen. Throw away your painkillers and put your faith in Debra. Having suffered with severe back and shoulder pain, I was recommended to Debra quite a few years ago.

    Five days ago, I woke up in excruciating pain, couldn’t stand up straight and when seated on the toilet, found it impossible to get up. I telephoned Debra who saw me the following day. Her expert techniques are just amazing. After one hour, I could stand and bend. I still felt a few twinges and had a second one hour session today.
    Within two hours, I had no pain, could walk, bend and do absolutely everything, PAIN FREE.

    Her consulting room is warm and tranquil. Debra puts everyone at ease and makes you feel that you have been best friend for years.

    Over the years, I have recommended her to many friends who have found her treatment, like me, unbelievable. Even my GP was astounded.

    Thank you Debra. It is because of you that I can carry on my life normally.

    Debra Levy

    I have been suffering with painful knees for many years and have had an arthroscopy and also 3 sets of duralane injections. All work for a short while but realistically I need two new knees but I am trying to avoid that for as long as possible.

    I had been recommended to Debra by several friends who had been to see her BUT being a completely non-believer in this type of therapy, I just ‘poo pooed it’ as something not for me.

    After many months of being told how good the results could be, my husband insisted I had a go and off I went.

    Debra is a lovely warm lady who made me feel completely at ease and I felt she really understood my pain issues.

    Roll forward two months later and I am absolutely shocked and a complete believer. It’s a revelation. My pain has reduced so much that I can actually walk up and down the stairs without going sideways or backwards, and carry a cup of tea without spilling it all over the stair carpet. I’ve been able to walk for miles, pain free without the need of any pain relief.

    If you are in any doubt about seeing Debra and trying her treatments, don’t be, it’s a game changer.

    Cristian Boudi

    I’ve met Debra about six months ago. What a huge change that made to my life. I’m suffering with Crohn’s for the last 15 years. When I met her, I was going through a very rough flare up that was lasting for weeks already.

    After the first session, I felt a difference for the better. I was a different man after eight sessions.

    She helped me buy a Scenar device, and she taught me how to use it. First three months I’ve used it each week, next 2 months I left it in the box as I completely forgot about my illness. That’s till yesterday when because of something that I ate and felt that a new flare up will start. I’ve used it yesterday and this morning and I’m back on my feet again.

    Thank you so much Debra for all your help and support. Thanks to you I now have a chance to relieve the pain and have longer breaks in between.

    Laraine Purss

    I have been suffering from chronic pain in my neck and traps for nearly 5 years. The pain gets so bad it travels down my back and also over my head into my eyes and also feel sick as the pain has been so bad.

    I have tried everything I thought was possible from doctors, physios, osteopaths, wet cupping, dry cupping, acupressure, acupuncture, medication, Thai massage and sports massages. Nothing seemed to work.

    The treatments would ease the pain for about 2 to 3 weeks and then it would come back. I got to the point where I seriously didn’t know what to do about it. I think fate led me to Debra Graham. It was so weird how I came across her. I think things happen for a reason and it was the right reason that’s for sure! I can’t recommend Debra enough. She is so welcoming and really put some hope in me. She explains her treatment so well and she was certain she could help me.. Well, she has helped me alright.

    I have had 4 treatments and I feel absolutely great. The best I have felt in 5 years. I have no pain whatsoever! I can’t get over her treatment. It’s changed my life. I feel so happy relaxed and free of pain. I still have a treatment or 2 to go then I think that will be it. I seriously was so worried and didn’t know if I’d ever be pain free again.

    Anyone out there suffering please see Debra this treatment is like a miracle. Thank you so much.

    Jennie Palmer

    I suffered with extreme plantar fasciitis in my foot for well over a year, it was unbearable.

    After 2 sessions with Debra, the pain almost disappeared and I haven’t had any problems since.

    Absolutely overjoyed, and I can now exercise and get back to what I love doing without fear of pain the next day. Would highly recommend.