Live Blood Analysis, also known as Live Cell Analysis or Darkfield Microscopy, is a technique where a drop of blood is taken from your fingertip and observed under a specialized microscope in real-time.
The microscope allows an almost three-dimensional look at the blood. The blood is magnified up to 1000 times. A video camera is hooked up to the microscope so that you may watch the entire procedure on a monitor.
Working with Edwige Cabanetos, you will be able to see the activity of your blood on a 55″ screen! You will see your red and white blood cells in the plasma and what is floating in that, like crystals, plaque, and more. Your blood is observed for 30 minutes. Once blood has left the body, it begins to die. How quickly the morphological changes happen also provides insights into your present health condition.
Having a Live Blood Analysis with Edwige will allow her to provide advice to you in your Blood Report for any required lifestyle, emotional and dietary adjustments to rebalance your blood so it’s in optimal health. This will allow your internal organs to operate in a healthy environment.
When one sees their blood in action for the first time, it’s a profound experience as you make the emotional connection within, seeing your ‘river of life’ flowing, carrying oxygen, water and nutrients that we all intuitively know and it encourages yourself to be aware of your health.